Andrew Boerma

Andrew Boerma

Participation Support and Project Support Officer

Andrew is the Participation Support Officer and a Project Support Officer at DDAlliance. His role is to support peers to participate and contribute to DDAlliance’s internal and external activities. He also supports the NSW Peer Learning Hub and Connecting Peers Cross Culturally projects.

Andrew is passionate about social justice, inclusion, and peer-led spaces. He believes diversity is to be celebrated, and we are best when we work together.
Andrew has a background in social work, and has worked closely with trade unions, people seeking asylum, young people, and as part of the Ability Links program.

At DDAlliance, Andrew values the collective and creative spaces that allow for peer-led discussions, support, and broader change. Andrew enjoys learning and working with peers, board members and staff.

In his own time, Andrew enjoys bike riding, being in nature, watercolour painting, music, art, gardening and time with family and friends.


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